2019: A year of commemoration, celebration and appreciation for LGBTQ2S rights

IQALUIT, 17, May, 2019– This day marked the official 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada and the international day against homophobia and transphobia. In order to mark these important events, the project Standing By Our Colours / Affichons nos couleurs organized 50 pride flag raisings across Canada on May 17th.

“The Government of Canada is pleased to support projects like Standing by our Colours because they raise awareness of the people and their struggles that led to the partial decriminalization of homosexuality 50 years ago,” said the Honourable Pablo Rodriquez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism said. “I am proud to acknowledge the rich contribution of the LGBTQ2+ community has made to Canada. We believe in freedom for every citizen, regardless of origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Canadians understand that if even one of us is not free to be who they are, then none of us are free.”

Nunavut Arctic College joined the City of Iqaluit, after a motion passed by Council to raise the Pride flag in the city. The event took place at the Nunatta Campus at 2:45 pm on Friday, May 17th, 2019, staff and students attended the event to show their support. Maureen Doherty, Chair of Nunavut Human Rights Tribunal, and who is also Chair of Health & Wellness for the College gave a few words describing the importance of commemorating this day. The Pride flag went up as the attendants clapped and cheered and it was positioned next to the Canada and Nunavut flags.

Nunavut Arctic College is a positive space that welcomes and supports everyone. We would like to thank everyone who made this event possible and all the staff and students that attended the event to show their support.

NAC Communications